
第2回:Bone marrow stromal cells promote skilled motor recovery and enhance contralesional axonal connections after ischemic stroke in adult mice.(2011年5月12日更新)

「脳卒中最前線」の第2回目の今回に紹介する論文は、2011年3月号のStroke誌に掲載された『Bone marrow stromal cells promote skilled motor recovery and enhance contralesional axonal connections after ischemic stroke in adult mice.』です。Abstractの全文を以下に記します。

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: We tested the effect of bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) on neuronal remodeling of the corticospinal tract originating from the contralesional cortex in mice subjected to unilateral pyramidotomy (PT) followed by middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO).

METHODS: Adult mice with transgenic yellow fluorescent protein labeling in the corticospinal tract were subjected to right hemispheric PT and right permanent or sham MCAO. One day later, the mice were treated intravenously with BMSCs or phosphate-buffered saline. A Foot-Fault test and a single pellet-reaching test were performed before surgery, 3 days after MCAO, and weekly thereafter. Pseudorabies virus-614-monomeric red fluorescent protein was injected into the left forelimb flexor muscles 28 days after surgery (4 days before euthanasia). The brain and cervical cord were processed for fluorescent microscopy to detect red fluorescent protein and yellow fluorescent protein labeling, respectively.

RESULTS: Significant functional improvements were evident in PT-MCAO mice treated with BMSCs (n=9) compared with phosphate-buffered saline-treated mice (n=9, P<0.05), but not in mice with PT-sham MCAO treated with either phosphate-buffered saline (n=9) or BMSCs (n=10). Furthermore, in PT-MCAO mice, both corticospinal tract axonal density in the denervated side of the cervical gray matter and red fluorescent protein-labeled pyramidal neurons in the left intact cortex were significantly increased compared with PT-sham MCAO mice (P<0.05). BMSCs significantly enhanced both corticospinal tract density and red fluorescent protein labeling in PT-MCAO mice (P<0.05) only. The behavioral outcome was highly correlated with corticospinal tract density and red fluorescent protein labeling.

CONCLUSIONS: BMSCs amplify stroke-induced contralesional neuronal remodeling, which contributes to motor recovery after stroke.


この論文は、Bone Marrow Stromal Cell(BMSC:骨髄ストローマ細胞)の細胞移植の可能性をマウスの脳卒中モデルを用いて検討したものです。研究を行ったのは、米国デトロイトのヘンリー・フォード病院にあるMicheal Choppのグループです。

Micheal Choppのラボは多くの研究員を擁する大きなラボで、これまでに数多くの重要な論文を発表してきました。BMSCの細胞移植に関する論文も既に何報も報告しており、今回の論文はBMSCが脳卒中治療に効果的であるという仮説の正しさを証明する新たなデータとなっています。


Micheal Choppのラボは、BMSCに関するプロジェクト以外にも多くの研究プロジェクトが行われているので、これからも『脳卒中最前線』のコーナーで色々と取り上げていけたらと考えています。






